For experts

Helping journalists do a better job of covering science is at the core of what we do. We’ve found the key to quality reporting on science comes down to effective and clear communication from scientists.

There are a number of ways we can help you promote your research or speak to the media on topics relevant to your expertise.


Have you got a big paper coming out that you think is newsworthy? We can promote your research under embargo to journalists and help you work with your institute’s media office to make attracting attention easy.

We do this through Scimex — an online portal for embargoed science research news for registered journalists — in collaboration with the Australian Science Media Centre

The Scimex Newsfeed contains a range of materials to make reporting on upcoming stories easier, including multimedia, scientific papers, contact details for researchers and media releases from multiple institutions, all available in one central location.

We have agreements with major research journal publishers to upload materials under embargo; these are only visible to journalists registered and approved for a Scimex account.

Get in touch to let us know about your upcoming publications.

Connecting media with experts

We maintain a database of experts willing to talk to journalists. You can create an expert profile on Scimex with your expertise and which topics you’re willing and able to talk to media about. 

We also collect independent commentary from researchers on science in the news, aiming to provide reporters with context and background on breaking issues. If we approach you for short comments on areas within your expertise, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Our expert selection policy outlines how we choose experts to go to, as well as the things we avoid when approaching experts.

Science Media SAVVY

Not sure if you’re ready to face the media just yet? We also provide a number of training activities and workshops for researchers looking to improve their communication skills. You might like to start with checking out our Desk Guide for Scientists.

We offer a range of different talks and workshops under the SAVVY banner:

Check out our upcoming workshops.

Science communication resources

Keen to sharpen your science communication skills? There are a range of platforms to learn from, and connect with, fellow science communicators, and here’s a selection of resources to help you hone your skills from home.