3 News/NZPA: The future is ‘beautifully black’, say berrygrowers

International research into the health benefits of blackcurrants has local berry growers thinking of ways to sell more of their product.

Research has shown that blackcurrants contain compounds which could help eyesight, improve decision-making when stressed, and improve circulation.

An excerpt: (read in full here)

“Scientists at the Second International Blackcurrant Association Conference recently held at Beaune, in France, had detailed research into the effects of blackcurrants on mental acuity and their special ability to reduce plaque-type formations, and the proven effect of berry polyphenols on improving decision-making under stress.

“Last year, a preliminary study by Plant and Food Research in New Zealand found signs that an extract derived from New Zealand-grown blackcurrants, taken in capsule form before and after exercise, could minimise muscle damage and inflammation and boost the immune system.”