NZ Herald/NZPA: Jandals as dangerous as heels, say experts

The New Zealand Chiropractors’ Association (NZCA) says that a US study has shown that jandals are as bad as high heels in terms of causing bad posture and its resulting health problems.

They have suggested that, like heels, jandals should not be worn regularly, or when doing a lot of walking.

An excerpt: (read in full here)

“”The fact jandals can be damaging is usually a surprise to people as they associate them with relaxation and comfort,” NZCA spokesman Dr Simon Kelly said.

“”But we’ve known for some time that when people walk in jandals they alter their stride to compromise for the lack of support the sandal provides. Jandal wearers tend to grip the shoe with their toes while walking, forcing them to take shorter steps. This modification in gait produces muscle imbalances and improper joint mechanics, leading to dysfunction in various parts of the body.””