UPDATED: Engineers urge us to shake off Number 8 Wire mentality

We’ve had the science manifesto, in which the country’s scientists urged a rethink in the way we approach science in this country. Now IPENZ, the body representing 10,000 engineers has chipped in with a report that suggests use of technology needs to underpin economic transformation.

In its blueprint for a way forward for New Zealand, IPENZ proposes:

  • Setting up of a Technology Commission as the “lead agency” in developing a strategy for a technology-enabled society.
  • A technology skills action plan to combat the dire skills shortage.
  • The establishment of an Investment Forum is suggested to identify the resource implications and priorities and to ensure alignment of public and private investment.
  • A Resilience to Climate Change Project would allow us to build resilience to climate change, and make the most of opportunities that changing climate can provide

The report is available for download below and a copy of the IPENZ slide show presented at the event is also available for download.

The paper will be presented at an IPENZ event scheduled for 5.30pm this evening (August 4) at the Wellington Club, 88 The Terrace, Wellington.

Ministers Hon Pete Hodgson and Hon David Parker will attend. Contact Julie Buchanan, IPENZ communications manager, for further details.

+4 473 2028 or 021 479 885

All media are invited.

SMC staff will be attending the briefing. For further information or to obtain feedback on the report from experts in the area of engineering, please contact the Science Media Centre on 04 499 5476 or smc@sciencemediacentre.co.nz