The Government has announced a plan to boost wild kiwi numbers to more than 100,000 by 2030 – about 30,000 more than current numbers.

Conservation Minister Maggie Barry announced the draft plan on Monday and will now seek feedback from iwi partners and other stakeholders. The plan has three high-level goals: growing populations, maintaining genetic diversity and restoring the birds’ distribution into safe habitats throughout the country.
“This Government is not prepared to accept that our national bird is at any ongoing risk of potentially becoming extinct in their natural habitat,” she said.
Consultation on the plan is open until 27 January.
The announcement was covered by media, including:
Radio NZ: Plans to boost kiwi numbers above 100k
NZ Herald: The battle for our bird: 100,000 kiwi by 2030 Government hatches strategy to raise wild kiwi numbers to 100,000 by 2030
Newshub: Govt plan sees 100,000 kiwis living in NZ bush
Newstalk ZB: Greens want Govt to pay for Kiwi recovery programme
TVNZ: Ambitious plan to grow our wild kiwi population
BBC News: New Zealand’s plan to save the kiwi