Dom Post: Robot liked, but can it earn its keep?

Tom Pullar-Strecker writes in the Dominion Post about Charlie, the healthcare robot which is about to return to its work at Selwyn Retirement Village.

The robot has had new abilities added, and the task is now to determine whether robots such as this are cost-effective.

An excerpt: (read in full here)

“”The next task will be to “put more software on the robot and to add devices” to find out how useful the robot can be. Residents will be given wristwatches with GPS receivers, accelerometers and wireless transmitters so Charlie can detect residents’ location and detect falls. The robot will be used to check on the health of residents and remind them to take medication.

“”Now we have shown we think people are happy with the robots, we want to show the robot doing those things is feasible in a real environment and could give some benefits.”

“”Dr MacDonald says a third set of trials will be required to work out if robots can earn their keep.””