The Press: Scanner used on cliffs starts work in city

Press Reporter Paul Gorman takes a look at how geo-scanning technology, previously used to detect potential rockfalls and landslides, is now being used to assess the stability of buildings in earthquake-struck Christchurch.

An excerpt: (read in full here)

Three-dimensional scans from the Riegl Z420i scanner, the only one of its kind in New Zealand, will allow engineers to detect if buildings are leaning after the huge ground accelerations during the February 22 quake.

The scanner, valued at about $200,000, has been used on coastal cliffs around Sumner, Redcliffs and Lyttelton to collect millions of measurements.

GNS Science engineering geologist Chris Massey said the scanner could collect up to 100,000 measured points each minute.

“Scans are taken days or weeks apart and the resulting three-dimensional computer images enable engineers to identify any areas of movement or instability in the cliff face,” he said.